Archive | November, 2005

Don’t forget the archives!

30. November 2005


As I always do at the end of the month, I want to remind / inform you about the archives. If you’re new to The Scooter Scoop or if you haven’t been keeping up you can always check out the Archives… There over there on the right… down lower… lower… AH! You got it. Right […]

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Yamaha Maxam 3000

30. November 2005


Did anyone notice that the Maxam 3000 concept had a bed in the back? Like a truck? It’s like a 2-wheeled El Camino. Weird. I mean… I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage or anything. I suppose I could load it with Lincoln Logs, or a bunch of potted flowers. There may be enough […]

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Sweet baby Lammy

30. November 2005


A Lambretta so nice, I had to show it three times…(BLAM!)(BLAM!)(BLAM BLAM!) I just HAD to post this here, it was so lovely. Prolly THE most pimped Lambretta Vega J50 (Jay Fiddy) I’ve ever seen. I just found this laying around Scoot.Net thanks to Black Sheep Rick’s coverage of Scooter Rage 2005. Would have loved […]

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Last word on the Lammy 5

29. November 2005


Got this e-mail. Same stuff you may have seen on other scooter sites. This is how it concludes in case you haven’t read it yet: Therefore, to make the improvements above (listed in e-mail), and others that we have also developed, a second completely re-engineered prototype is being prepared, also by Frank Sanderson of Lambretta […]

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Isle of Wight Today – Scooting to a grand effort

29. November 2005


(It’s never to early to Rally up!) Isle of Wight Today: “More than 70 children took to their two-wheeled scooters on the school’s tennis courts, which were adapted as a racetrack for the day.Teachers Debbie Gillam, a Lambretta rider herself, and Vikki Lovell laid out the track and put out obstacles for the children to […]

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Heck on Wheels

29. November 2005


It’s a few weeks old, but a pretty nice/short read. Heck on Wheels: “There are two major scooter clubs in Philly: Hostile City and Rabble Rouser. But if you’re envisioning some sort of West Side Story-on-Vespas rivalry shit, it ain’t happening. The two groups team up every year for a huge charity event that draws […]

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