Vespa Rumors – A 300cc Diesel in ’06?!

Mon, Jan 2, 2006

News, Rumors

I know, I know… Sounds like a crock, but has been picking up this rumor’s scent and is on the case. I don’t have any credible resources here… but then again, I rarely do. So, for the time being, let’s just keep our ears open for further developments on this super fuel efficient, smoke cloud machine.

Remember you heard it here first (in English at least).

I spoke to one of the forum participants where this rumor was hatched. Here’s what he had to say about it:

Just one thing: Regarding the info about the diesel Vespa, the rumor started in a Spanish forum where I write:
Is just a rumor from 19th of December ( Just in case you want to search the origin ). A colleague from the forum called Tomkat told us that, and he said the new was coming form a colleague of him working in the engine factory LOMBARDINI in Italy.

So… there you have it… Put on your Spanish goggles and check out for late breaking news on the Diesel 300.

4 Responses to “Vespa Rumors – A 300cc Diesel in ’06?!”

  1. Bryce Says:

    Could be very exciting. There are a lot of technical issues with regard to shrinking modern diesels to fit the space of a Vespa engine. Tiny little turbos or superchargers aren’t common. And you have to have some major electronic hardware and software to run the direct injection diesel systems today.

    Wouldn’t mind having one though. The torque would be phenomenal.


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Most likely it’s gonna be a turbo- (or super-) 2-smoke diesel. 4-smokes are waay too weak at low displacements.


  3. Casey Says:

    Some model airplane engines are 2s diesels and have been around forever.


  4. Bryce Says:

    A 2 stroke diesel wouldn’t surprise me at all.


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