When to get a Maxi-Scooter…

Fri, Apr 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by OliverNielsen.com.

When you’ve run outta seat room.
From the OliverNielsen.com flickr collection.

2 Responses to “When to get a Maxi-Scooter…”

  1. dudel Says:

    keep the scooter… get a thinner girlfriend


  2. EhlersIndia Says:

    That is a great pic. I live in India and commute on that same early 90′s Honda Kinetic scooter. I have seen an amazing amount of humanity on those little scooters and the Bajas that are ever present. I have also seen:
    3 grown men.
    2 men and 4 goats (yes really)
    1 man and somewhere between 20 and 30 live chickens (yes really)
    A family of 5 (4 is common, 5 is where it gets interesting and one of the kids has to sit on a seat fitted to the front fender (yes really)).

    Different world, different situations, different rules….wait, no rules.


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