Congrats to our winners!

Sat, Jan 20, 2007


(Mark selected an official black tee as seen here on Kristin)

Woohoo! We have a winner! Mark Johnson from Orlando, FL was the first to respond with the answer to “Who is the artist at the end of the latest TSS.TV episode and who is their number one influence.” It was Micah and Sam Cooke, who is coincidentally ALSO from Orlando… or at least WAS until he moved to NYC. For that correct answer he wins his selection from The TSS store.

The song playing at the end is “Come on Let’s go” and was recorded by another friend of mine Sean Dunson who also lived in Orlando but is now in LA. Ah, but I digress…

William Ash won 2nd runner up and receives an official TheScooterScoop jacket patch. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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One Response to “Congrats to our winners!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    she’s hot!


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