In the home buying world, it’s either a buyers market (where the homes are cheap and plentiful) or it’s a seller’s market (where the inventory is low and the prices are jacked up).
Well, right now it’s a seller’s market for scooters. Scooter owners who have been keeping one in the garage as a “weekend toy” are going to find that they’ll have to decide between putting that scoot on the road or selling it to someone who WILL.
So, what does that mean to YOU the person contemplating a scooter purchase? It’s going to be a bit harder to negotiate and LOT harder to find a used scooter that hasn’t already been scooped up. Here are some places you may want to visit before eveyone else does: = It’s like eBay, but local and free. Just look under [For Sale] and look under motorcycles/scooters. That’s where I bought my scooter. There are some nice ones out there. = Is a good place once you know how to filter by location. You don’t want someone mailing a scooter to you unless you’ve got $400-$700 S&H.
(If you’ve got other suggestions, lemme know and I’ll post them here – If you don’t mind giving away your sources)
Fri, Sep 2, 2005