St. Paul Pioneer Press | 09/28/2005 | Scooters could be one-way ticket out of our traffic jam

Mon, Oct 3, 2005


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St. Paul Pioneer Press | 09/28/2005 | Scooters could be one-way ticket out of our traffic jam: “During rush hour on University Avenue, I noticed more scooters this summer than in any previous year. Judging by the way people dress, they are using the machines for commuting. Shoes are a giveaway. When you see a man or a woman in what look like shoes they might have worn to work they probably have worn them to work.

I have noticed as well that the scooters are fitting in a little more comfortably with the masses. Where once the automobile driver might have thought them a nuisance or a novelty, the scooters have taken their lawful place in the flow of traffic with motorists who are looking at them in a new light.

Just think: If you live in the city and work in the city you probably have a commute of 10 or fewer miles in any direction. I’m not talking even first-ring suburbs and certainly not second, but the city proper, in sight of the city’s tallest buildings. Why, for $3 you could commute for at least a week and probably longer. My commute is about five miles one way, even factoring in the convoluted route I have established to make it safer and more fun. If I could change my habits and actually use the scooter on a daily basis, I could go seven workdays on $3. That would be something to shoot for. That would be cheaper than any other form of transportation short of walking or a horse that was paid for.”

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