Scooters as far as the eye can see

Tue, May 16, 2006


An image of what we might be seeing in America? Eh, no time soon… Taiwan has a big head start. Thanks to Anthony for the shot! If you wanna see more great photos from around the world, you should check out his collection.

3 Responses to “Scooters as far as the eye can see”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Numbers provided by the UN:
    Powered two wheelers per 1000 population:
    Germany, UK, India, China:50
    Italy, Japan:150


  2. Steve Guzman Says:


    Taiwan with 21x more motorbikes/scooters than we’ve got… They’re blowin’ EVERYone out of the water… I mean, look at Italy with 150/m, more than 7x as many as us and Taiwan STILL has nearly triple that!

    (granting that my math brain is functioning at all)


  3. Fieldy Says:

    Interesting statistics there… I didn’t expect Taiwan to have that high a number. Either you own a scooter/bike in Taiwan or you know someone that owns one…


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