City considers scooter incentives

Tue, Mar 20, 2007


This is a promising bit from the Annapolis paper. Maybe we can use this as leverage to request the some kind of scooter incentives in our cities.

City considers scooter incentives

Soon, Robert Malone could ride his scooter in downtown Annapolis and get a free bus ride home on rainy days.

It is one of the incentives city officials are considering for residents who own scooters. They also are trying to work with a local scooter dealer – Vmoto Scooters – to get a reduced rate for city residents. Similar programs are being considered for bicyclists.

The plans are part of an effort to reduce congestion and parking problems in the city. There are an estimated 500 scooter riders in the city. The plans are still being reviewed and being worked out with Vmoto.

“Generally scooters, and certainly bikes, pollute a lot less and take up a lot less space downtown,” said Chuck Weikel, who works with the parking committee and the transportation board. “They’re also fairly good at maneuvering around the spaces and the congestion we have downtown.”

Click the title link to read the whole thing.

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