Live in the south? Got $2 bucks to fill up yer tank? Then it’s RIDIN’ SEASON!

Wed, Jan 7, 2009


(Tillamook’s got more than cheese baby.  They got beautiful roads.  Image source)

Across the southern states it’s already riding season.  Temperatures in the mid 50′s to low 80′s stretch from coast to coast.  Can you southerners believe it’s already time to check your tire pressure, top off your fluids, and give the scooter a good kick… be sure to do it outside of the garage.  You don’t want the neighbors to think your garage is on fire.

So where to ride?  Well, beside the normal spots (to work, to lunch, to class, etc.), you should try to see the country side!  Get out and get a breath of fresh air (before the pollen kicks up).  Now, where to ride?  If you’re stuck here, then you should check out this keen little website called

Just click on your state and away you go.  They give you a lay-of-the-land, and a selection of suggested routes.  Each route is rated for scenery, road quality, and roadside amenities with a little detail around each.  Great stuff.  They don’t do all the work for you though.  Some of the rides are mapped out in Google maps and others require you to draw it out yourself.  But, don’t let that stop you from at least reading up for some ride ideas the weekend.  I think the 40 mile “Hippie Hollow Horror” ride is calling me.  Might stop out in Marble Falls and see if I run into The Red Headed Stranger.

And while your roads may be beautiful too, my sympathies go out to the rest of the nation where the weather is not so rider friendly, especially where it’s still down below 30.  Your time will come my friends and you’ll be riding like a bunch of cooped up bats outta hell looking for the cure to Spring Fever. 

2 Responses to “Live in the south? Got $2 bucks to fill up yer tank? Then it’s RIDIN’ SEASON!”

  1. Orin Says:

    Hey, don’t forget Scootin’ Old-skool has a bunch of maps, right here.



  2. Steve Says:

    Nice one Orin! Thanks.
    Looks like you’ve got Washington pretty much covered.

    Now I just need an excuse to head to Seattle with a scooter. :)


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