(Batman on his way to the Joker Rally)
Well, well… What have we got here? Looks like the new Batman movie (Joker Begins) will feature Gotham’s favorite Gadget Geek on a new ride… The Batscooter AKA “The Batpod”. It’s pretty sweet in a DIY, naked frame battlescooter with guns kinda way.
Nice to see the Batman going with a gas saving commuter over that remixed hummer he had last time. I’d like to know how that thing takes corners though, with those big “swamp tires”.
I look forward to checking this out when she she hits the silver screen.
(Though, how’s Batman gonna look with a big-ass grin on his face?)
Check out some video footage of it on MSNBC.
Interview with her creator and driver here.
Seems like a couple a months ago Batman was haitin’ on scooters.
18. June 2007 at 9:59 pm
I like what this guy says-
Apparently, the engines are in each tire and there’s a bit o’ transforming going on for it to go closer to the ground. Fully practical vehicle. And by “practical” I mean “it works in real-life” movie lingo…not…”Honey, I have to go to the store to get some milk. I’ll be right back.”
20. June 2007 at 12:09 am
How cool!