I know I’m starting to look like a mirror of motoblog.it, but they’ve got so many little gems. Look what Piaggio’s gone and did with the headlight again! Just like back in the days… pre ’60′s style. This little design detail will NEVER float in the USA… so chances are you’ll never see the model here. Am I starting to sound like a broken record? Sorry. Not to be a nay sayer! I’d love to give one a spin… but, I call ‘em like I see ‘em… and I know what tightarses our US Departments tend to be.
PS> The LX-60 (and she’s cute too), as seen in the motoblog.it link above, might actually make it here. Lester? What’s the word you big slice a pimp-daddy poundcake? Can you give us the scoop?
Wed, Dec 7, 2005