KYMCO “rounds up the posse” for AmeriVespa 2010

5. May 2010


KYMCO “rounds up the posse” for AmeriVespa 2010

When the Vespa Club of America (VCOA) throws a scooter rally, they don’t mess around.  With the help and hard work of the host city’s scooter players and tons of sponsors, you can expect to see 600+ AmeriVespa attendees riding scooters and mopeds of all shapes and sizes.  Heck, you’ll probably see motorcycles and cars […]

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Amerivespa 2010 T-90 days and counting

2. March 2010


Amerivespa 2010 T-90 days and counting

What happens when you get 600 – 800 scooterists to converge on a US city? Increased smog levels? An overextended emergency services department? A bunch of confused gawkers? Besides all of that… YOU GET AMERIVESPA! That’s right! It’s time again for the Vespa Club of America’s annual scooter rally; the biggest of it’s kind (in […]

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