This was hot off the press (when I intended to post it 2 days ago). They are saying just what everyone expected… Gas will break some records this year, and not in a good way like, “Lowest gas prices ever.” No, according to this Reuters article, you’re gonna love riding your scooter even more this Summer. I really do feel bad for workers who have to fill up the 40 gallon tank on their trucks. That’s gotta hurt! On to the article:
NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. average retail gasoline prices have reached a new high of almost $3.20 per gallon and will likely jump another 20 to 30 cents in the next month, worsening the pain of consumers struggling to make ends meet in an economic downturn.
Gasoline prices are rising sharply as refiners, who have kept prices down in order to compete for sales, become more willing to pass on their higher costs of crude oil, according to an industry analyst on Sunday.
The national average for self-serve regular unleaded gas was nearly $3.20 a gallon on March 7, up about 9.44 cents per gallon in the past two weeks, according to the nationwide Lundberg survey of about 7,000 gas stations. The price has risen 64 cents per gallon in the past 12 months.
“The price increase was entirely due to the higher costs of crude oil,” said survey editor Trilby Lundberg.
Although the latest price represents a nominal all-time high, when adjusted for inflation it is a smidgen below the record of $3.18 per gallon reached on May 18, 2007, Lundberg said.
Lundberg said things will likely get worse, with prices at the pump rising 20 to 30 cents per gallon in the next month as refiners begin passing on to customers more of their higher costs for crude oil.
“Should prices indeed rise 20 to 30 cents, they would vastly exceed previous prices on an inflation-adjusted basis,” Lundberg said.
Refiners since last spring have deliberately refrained from passing on their higher costs for crude oil, in order to compete for sales, she said.
“But refiner profit margins have become so slim that they will now raise prices to recover their lost margins,” said Lundberg.
Hold on tight, this year is gonna be a rocky one. Will Americans even notice? Prices will likely hit $4 a gallon this summer and then when they drop to $3.50 a gallon in the Fall we’ll say “Whew, I’m glad gas has gotten cheap again.” As of today, the highest price for a gallon of gas in the USA is on the west coast with prices just under that $3.50 mark in Portland and Seattle and actually hitting $3.60 in California, $3.65 in Hawaii and $3.76 in Alaska. Click on the title link to read the whole story.
PS> I don’t know who Wyoming and New Jersey are sleeping with, but they’ve still got sub $3/gal gas over there.
15. March 2008