30. January 2008


Ear Ache forces scooterist to cancel Wednesday night ride

Ugh… I’m feeling a bit better now, but for the last four days I’ve been fighting this killer ear infection. Now I know what Grendel (above) felt like. If his MILFy mom would have just gotten him some Amoxicillin instead of spending her time luring warriors and kings, his life would have been a bit better.

Well… Hope everyone else out there is doing well. Anyone see Cloverfield? I actually want to see Juno and There Will Be Blood, THEN later this year I’ve got my eye on Ironman, Hellboy 2, The Incredible Hulk, The Dark Night and maybe Hell Ride (just hope it’s better than Bored As Hell Ride). Enough mindless manflicks to easily last a year.

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28. January 2008


How to ride a Motocompo

Of course this is just an animation, though I seriously doubt you’d ever find a real life example; especially the “kitty save” part.

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28. January 2008


Did you ever wanna see how it really works?

Here’s what Gizmodo Australia dug up from the LiveLeak video file. It’s high speed video footage of what goes on inside of a combustion engine. This is how Gizmodo put it:

Someone had the great idea of putting a high-pressure, heat-resistant camera inside the cylinder of a four-stroke engine. Shooting at 1000 fps, the camera recorded just exactly what happens to make engines run. Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow!

Really frickin’ sweet to actually SEE what’s going on and not just understand the principle.

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28. January 2008


Our first "WTF?! Accessory" nomination – Burgers on the go!

You’ve seen slicers and dicers and George Foreman grills… but have you ever seen something that combines the fat-free, grilling goodness of the Foremen with the fun of scootin’ around town? Introducing The Exhaust Burger! The cool thing about the scooter version is that 2-strokers won’t even need a non-stick spray… ESPECIALLY if you’re running rich.
Ok, it’s not as bad as it seems. This device is from the “Dining 2015″ competition and the exhaust doesn’t really bathe the burger with delicious carbon monoxide and 2-stroke oil. It just heats the pan. Now THIS is some global warming I could learn to love.

Found this on worstcookever.com (title link)

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23. January 2008

1 Comment

Hover Heinkel

super scooter
Originally uploaded by woowoowoo

Hehe… Can’t sleep.
Had to post quick image from woowoowoo. Looks like something that Aunt Beru might take to the local shop to pick up diapers and blue milk for baby Luke. Much cooler than a a clunky old Landspeeder.

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18. January 2008


CELEBRATION! TheScooterScoop hits another important milestone.

Tonight, by the time you’re having your after dinner mints, we’ll have made the ONE MILLION HIT mark. That’s right, just 3 months short of 3 years on the web. It’s probably a bit hard to wave your rally banner when we’ve been slackin’ here at The Scoop for the last couple of weeks. I know you’re probably thinking, “But Steve! I know you and YOU are the world’s greatest multi-slacker!”… Yes, that may be true, but right now it’s “nose to the grindstone” until the Indi Dealer Expo is done. Believe me, it hurts to see a mailbox full of scoopage and not sit here in front of the screen to dole it out, and I’m SURE at some point in the very near future I’m just going to have to do that. Until then, thanks for coming by to check in.

We will return!

PS> Shoot me an email if your Mr/Mrs One Million please.

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