(secretly they REALLY wish GM would come out with a micro Hummer)
You know… I’ve always wondered what Hummer owners would say about TheScoop. Would they respect our love for small displacement? Would they care what was going on in the world of micro riders? Turns out that last week I got to find out!
A certain Hummer forum (with over 5,300 members) was recently turned-on to TheScooterScoop and judging by the number of hits we received and the comments in their forum I’d say there were HUGE FANS! and… if by “fans” I mean “fanatical haters of all things small”, then you’d know exactly what I meant. Now I’m not going to post a link to their forum because I don’t wanna start a flame war AND I don’t want to reciprocate the hits… But I’ll give you an idea of what’s going on over there.
The whole thing started out harmlessly enough. One guy was searching for Hummer Fingers and found an old post we did about the death of the H1 called “So long Humvee H1“. He got a good laugh out of it, but THEN came the follow ups with comments like “Scooter Fags!”, “That has to be the most stupid site I have seen yet.”, or “That was depressing and stupid.”
Depressing AND stupid? Wow, TheScooterScoop has been called “depressing” and it’s been called “stupid”, but NEVER in the same sentence… this is a new low for the scoop. Now, don’t get me wrong… not all the posts were violent attacks, there were other discussions as well that were harmless and even funny. I just thought it would be interesting to see what some of the others thought about us (the scoop).
At the end of the day, and when the dust is all settled, I didn’t learn anything I hadn’t already surmised. Hummer owners don’t like the fact that most scooter fans don’t dig hummers and so to be fair Hummer owners don’t like scooters (or microcars)…. which is too bad, because the real issue isn’t about hating each other’s vehicles but about getting people to see the benefits of smaller vehicles on the road ESPECIALLY when it comes to commuting (yourself) to work or school. Unless your job is farming, construction, landscaping, archeology, forestry or military OR you’re part of a car pool, you just can’t beat a microcommuter to get your to your destination.
…though, there’s a group of Japanese who would disagree.
18. December 2007