Under water scooter in Rotterdam, Netherlands Originally uploaded by Koos Fernhout. Under water scooter in Rotterdam, Netherlands.Thanks to Koos Fernhout for sharing! Makes me sad, but at least I don’t wanna barf. There’s actually a sort of calming serenity to this image.
Continue reading...Sunday, February 25, 2007
P2241163a Originally uploaded by Totsukawa Keibu. Rummaging through Totsukawa Keibu’s flickr collection I ran across THIS little number. Wasn’t registering in the mental database. Interesting look though.
Continue reading...Thursday, January 11, 2007
Any scooter than can pass a 400cc FZ-R while hauling 3 school girls is alright in my book!Image from Bastardidentro.it courtesy of our good friends at motoblog.it.
Continue reading...Thursday, January 11, 2007
Submerged Originally uploaded by (((Cohen))). It’s like a scene from scooter CSI.I… can’t bare.. to look. I think… I’m gonna.. *BWARF!* (Darned rookies) Thanks to (((Cohen))) for sharing!
Continue reading...Thursday, January 11, 2007
vespachik Originally uploaded by athandidas. You know me… Mr. Safety. But what could you possibly say?! Excuse me miss… would you please put on a helmet, some riding pants with boots, a jacket and some gloves? Nice fenderlight by the way! Thanks athandidas for sharing!
Continue reading...Thursday, January 4, 2007
sexy lady Originally uploaded by de jäck Mamsäll. You ever see the Simson Schwalbe? Here’s what the Wikipedia had to say about her: Series manufacture of the scooter KR51 “Schwalbe”, fitted with a 3.4 hp engine, began in 1964. The year 1968 saw the merger of Simson and “VEB Ernst-Thälmann-Werk Suhl” to “VEB Fahrzeug- und […]
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Sunday, February 25, 2007