Tag Archive | "WTF"

WTF of the week: Bernardet C50

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


(any guesses before I tell you what it is?  I didn’t have one) On the UK Blog, BuyVintage, I found this wild looking classic.  What you see here is a 1950 French classic, the Bernardet C50.  I’m no expert in French scooters so I’ve never seen photos of this chain driven 125cc oddity, but if […]

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A case for the full face

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here’s a frame from a 3D CT Scan rendering that says it all. Surfactant shares it in video from flicker and you can watch it by clicking the title link. Here’s what Surfactant has to say about what we see here: This patient was not using a helmet.. Extensive facial and mandibular fractures are present. […]

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What is this machine?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Anyone know what this thing is?  I just found it lying around the internet and wanted to get more info on it.  Looks like something Swatch would have come up with before they settled on the Smart car design instead.

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Lane-splitting in a car? Looks like it’s possible.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Egoboss shares this photo of the skinniest car I’ve ever seen. The hood looks like a waste basket. I don’t know who makes it, but truly I believe it’s just a mobility scooter with a body kit. I’d love to see it in motion though. Looks like it would be good for a few laughs, […]

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WTF?! of the week – The Evil Honda Helix

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Usually when you think “Honda Scooters” it might conjure up thoughts of cuteness (Metro) or oddness (most everything else)… but when you’ve seen what I’ve seen lurking around craigslist, it might change your mind. Check out THIS Honda Helix of DOOOOM! It was an ’86 like my own Uhura back in the day. I think […]

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Super Street (car) Magazine covers the RUCKUS?!

Friday, April 11, 2008


(I had to rub my eyes in disbelief! Scooters in SUPER STREET MAGAZINE!?) First of all, thanks to my fellow Hooligan, Casey, who brought this to my attention. After a failed attempt to find this magazine (April 2008) in my local book store, I resorted to Google. It didn’t take look before I found it, […]

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