Common Scooter Misconceptions – They are not big enough

Thu, Oct 27, 2005


Well… If you mean Scooters arn’t big enough for a family of four to pack up and visit grandma, your sadly mistaken my friend… As illustrated here.

See? Not an issue. Oh I see… You’ve got a BIG family and you drive a seven passenger monster SUV. Well, my friend, you are in luck…

They can be customized, just like they used to do van’s back in the 70′s. Here you see a scooter riding seven up! You could have a scooter rally AND a family reunion in the same weekend!

Chew on that one for a bit. We’ll be shooting down other common Scooter Misconceptions shortly.

4 Responses to “Common Scooter Misconceptions – They are not big enough”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    This couldn’t possibably be more than a 250cc:


  2. Steve Guzman Says:

    Nice photo! I don’t see any scooters or Mexicans for that matter, but nice composition none the less.

    PS> I love the pudgy little baby.


  3. Nate Says:

    I’m pretty sure we ended up with 6 or 7 of us on a Honda 90 step-through, in the middle of the night, in the Silverstone GP racetrack paddock and we didn’t have a sidecar!

    Yes, this was after a lengthy pub crawl…

    The sidecar was on the Yamaha moped for racing on much smaller tracks than Silverstone…


  4. Steve Guzman Says:

    Haha. now THAT I’d like to see… A scooter (moped… or as some would say “no ped”) load of drunk blokes riding Silverstone in the middle of the night.

    Too bad all your moped photos are MIA.


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