The GSU Signal – Scooter Trend

Thu, Oct 27, 2005


The GSU Signal – Scooter Trend: “A lot can be said for scooters. They are cheap, usually running around $3,000 for a new one and $1,500 for a used one. Scooters are also efficient: easy to park and small to ride. However, scooters are dangerous because they are not easily seen by drivers of gigantic SUVs, Hummers and minivans (even many cars). In addition, scooters usually only reach a top speed of 45 miles per hour: not exactly fit for navigating the interstates of Atlanta.

Despite the downfalls of scooter ownership, the alternative motorized vehicle can truly be a benefit to college students, particularly at places like Georgia State. Scooters can be parked like bikes, get up to 100 miles to the gallon of gas, and are perfect for the slow-speed, gridlocked roads of downtown Atlanta.

People from all over the country are turning to scooters to save money on gas. Fort Worth, TX scooter owner Bret Bolton told, “My old truck got about 19 miles to the gallon. Insurance ran $100 a month, plus tags. … I now pay under $100 a year for insurance, I get over 90 miles per gallon. I sold the truck last year.””

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