Someone who DOESN’T like the scooters on sidewalks proposal

Tue, Nov 1, 2005


Considering that the city felt that Segways were not fit for the city’s many busy sidewalks, Torontoist isn’t sure how allowing high-speed, and heavy scooters and motorcycles on sidewalks would be a good idea. While the proposed by-law doesn’t allow for riding on the sidewalk, Torontoist is pretty sure that if it goes into place there’ll be more than a few riders who’ll be tempted to travel on the sidewalk just a few blocks in search of a nice spot to park their motorbike. Or block the sidewalks while they wander in for a quick cup of coffee. All and all, a pretty lousy idea.

2 Responses to “Someone who DOESN’T like the scooters on sidewalks proposal”

  1. Michael Walton Says:

    Q and A: Brick throwing
    I know a question that many of you have is, “When is it proper to throw a brick at someone?” Hopefully this list will help:

    It is acceptable to throw bricks (soaked in lighter fluid and set on fire) at these types of people:

    People who have backpacks with wheels on them.
    People who ask you what time it is.
    People who drive too slow. (These people also usually have at least 2 political bumper stickers from the 80′s)
    People who try to force thier opinions on you. (such as telling you how old they are.)
    People who make a point to act like someone that they arne’t. (Actors are an exception to the rule, unless they advertise a new type of lawn fertilizer.)
    People who breathe indoors.
    People with mullets, skullets (A balding man with a mullet.), or guys with ponytails.


  2. Steve Guzman Says:



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