Evolution or Intelligent design?

Tue, Nov 22, 2005


A VERY early example of a scooter from the motozoic era. To me you can clearly see the relationship between this organism and the modern day scooter… of course before the evolution of things like leg shields, mirrors or a rear-mounted 2-stroke… Its closer cousin is actually the modern Harley Davidson which really hasn’t changed that much in the last 10,000 years. A real modern relic like the crocodile, the shark and the cockroach (tee-hee-hee).

5 Responses to “Evolution or Intelligent design?”

  1. Dave Says:

    I think intelligent design. It takes more brains to balance on two wheels then to sit on the easy chair behind the SUV steering wheel.


  2. Casey Says:

    Dont forget the Coelacanth. Perhaps also one might consider the notion that the symbiotic relationship between the Neanderthal like modern human and the non-evolving HD as an evolutionary catch 22, Neither encouraging the other to change.


  3. Steve Guzman Says:

    Right! The old school fish. Forgot to add him to the list. The rest of your statement acutally has more thruth than humor… and I thought it was really funny.


  4. Nate Says:

    Hey! I’ve ridden with that guy!


  5. Steve Guzman Says:

    :D -Bwahahah! That made my morning.


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