Pugeot’s Jetforce 125cc motor p0rn.

Mon, Jan 2, 2006


(Click to enlarge)

Found these images floating around Cyberscooter.it. I can’t make heads or tails of it (a little to complex for my eyes), but I figure someone (Casey? Dan?) would like to see this baby in the raw. All I know is, it looks like one hell of a piece of machinery! Maybe even… Alien technology! ; ) Read more about the Jetforce here.

2 Responses to “Pugeot’s Jetforce 125cc motor p0rn.”

  1. Bryce Says:

    What I understand of Peugeot is that they have 3 engine types. The 2 strokes are ones they make. Their air cooled 4 stroke (as in my Looxor 150) is that of the ET4. Their liquid cooled 4 strokes are from Honda. I believe the injection system they use is also from Honda. Good engine, very smooth and powerful. The supercharger really makes it powerful, especially for a 125. That upper thing is the drive for the blower, which then goes in as normal.


  2. Casey Says:

    Coolness.. Being a machinist I can fully appreciate the work involved in putting together a cutaway engine.


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