Vietnam scooter swarm

Fri, Mar 17, 2006


This is scooter madness. I can’t figure out what the heck is going on! It just swarms of people riding however the hell they feel like. I like scooters and all, but if it ever looked like this on my street… I’d never come out of the house.

5 Responses to “Vietnam scooter swarm”

  1. Doggie Daddy Says:

    First, I don’t see that becoming a common sight say, here in Reno, at this time of year.
    Next, that doesn’t do a lot for the “downtrodden masses” image.
    Finally, there were probably more scoots in that clip at that ONE intersection than we’ll see in the U.S. for quite some time…kinda sad.


  2. Steve Guzman Says:

    For real! If I had a rally with THAT kinda turn out!? Forgettaboudit!


  3. Brouhaha Says:

    Dogie daddy: Huh? What “downtrodden masses” image are you talking about?


  4. Anonymous Says:

    I love to imagine that many scooters on the streets here in Seattle!


  5. Doggie Daddy Says:

    brouhaha: that image was a part of the propaganda served to my generation as justification for sending to that part of the world the fathers and grandfathers of those Americans who are filling the same role in Iraq today.

    In this clip, I do NOT see a deprived people enslaved by godless Communism. What I see are a whole lot of people on a full spectrum of “two-wheeled oddities”(seemingly loosely regulated) trying to make a living and function day-to-day like the rest of us.


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