Imagine you like to ride… NO, you REALLY like to ride… for hours on end. You don’t wanna eat, you don’t wanna drink, you want to RIDE.
Well, if you’re a guy, Biker-P let’s you ride forever… or at least until you gotta poop fill your tank. Pretty much a cap and a tube that slides down your pants leg. This works a bit better for motorcycles as you’d have to stick your leg out from behind the leg shields to not wet your floorboard.
I can see the value in it, but I’ll stick with hittin’ my local Micky D’s when the urge arises.
(Thanks to for the scoop!)
6. July 2006 at 11:03 pm
Being behind one ‘o these on a group ride is definetly out.
7. July 2006 at 2:31 pm
:D LOL! Can you imagine a rally? Ugh. You definitely gotta ride solo with this thing on.
7. July 2006 at 3:09 pm
Heh, actually Steve this wonderful device is employed fairly regularly by riders in the annual Iron Butt competitions. That’s 1,000 miles per day for 10 days! Looks like they’ve got other categories now as well.