Steve and Leia take a romantic midnight stroll

Tue, Sep 26, 2006


(I couldn’t fathom the thought of leaving her lying dead on the road)

Yep… tonight was the night. Leaving the Art Brut show I had my first breakdown. Whadda buzz-kill.

Didn’t seem like a bad one (thank goodness). One minute I was shootin’ down South Lamar nodding my head and yelling “Look at US! We formed a BAND!”, the next I’m sputtering to the curb. Got her started a few more times and managed to squeeze a couple more miles out of her before she refused to go on… and so our romantic moon lit stroll began.

As luck would have it, I broke down less than a mile from one of my scoot mates, Chris, who stowed Leia in his garage and gave me a lift the rest of the way home… At 2:11 am. Cheers Chris!

I loathed the thought of having to walk Leia home the last 2 miles and couldn’t BARE the thought of leaving her on the sidewalk ’till morning.

Chris says it’s prolly just a carb problem. We’ll take a gander at her tomorrow and see what we can fix. I should be back in business for the Rally in just under 2 weeks.

5 Responses to “Steve and Leia take a romantic midnight stroll”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    It’s probably bad karma from showing us that “seriously off topic video”.


  2. dudel Says:

    RE: It’s probably bad karma from showing us that “seriously off topic video”.

    I agree.


  3. GenWaylaid Says:

    Sorry to hear about the breakdown, Steve. I recently had my Honda Cub’s engine sieze at 40 mph. The rear wheel went from 40 to 0 in an instant. That was a fun little ride.

    Glad to see you liked my suggestion for your scooter’s name, though.

    If you ever get stranded in the Bay Area you’re welcome to borrow one of my three scooters. I don’t even have enough space at my apartment to park them all at the same time!


  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Steve,

    Glad you made it home ok. My Helix “Precious” told me she heard thru the grapevine that your ‘ex’(Helix)had some Mo-Jo working. “Hell hath no fury…..”

    Suz in NJ


  5. Steve Says:

    Genwaylaid! You have a CUB? SWEET! I want one. I know who to go to when I’m by the Bay. Thanks!

    AHahah. Suz, it could be. I never knew Uhura to be the jealous type, but she just might be. How’s your Helix runnin?


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