Universal bluetooth headset about to get put under the microscope

Tue, Oct 24, 2006

Accessories, Product Plugs

This is a repost from some lame writer on another blog called GeekAustin. Anyway, why did we put it here? Because we’re finally about to get our chance to give the Cardio Scala Rider a full-nelson. Why don’t you take a second to become acquainted with the product as it was featured back in 2005 and keep an eye out for the full review in the next couple of weeks or so.

(thank you cardio systems for helping us Americans get up to speed)

Everyone knows the US is a great little country with lots of smart creative people, yadda yadda. But we are also the lamest when it comes to cool new technologies – ESPECIALLY in the wireless communication arena. Momo (specifically the Italian company’s helmet division) has been in bed with Motorola for a LONG time now coming up with something that should have been done YEARS ago. A bluetooth headset for helmets. If you’re on you bike/scooter and you get a vibrating in your pants (phone call), you have to pull over… Take off your gloves… glasses, helmet… pull out the phone and by then, you’ve missed the call. Imagine being able to just tap a little headset and start blabbin’.

Well it appears to be right around the corner for the poor ole technologically lame US. Yes, a company that I hadn’t heard of previously is layin’ down the lub with the ScalaRider – 100 RC/FM. Well… this is actually a bt headset that includes FM capabilities. Nearly perfect (assuming those function as promised). Add on Stereo headsets and the ability to hook up my mp3 player and IT’S ON! Not to say I still won’t try to funnel money from the kid’s college plan to pick one up… but it could use an extra bell and a couple of whistles.

Got this from their website:

The Scala Rider™ is an immensely feature rich tool

  • Receive and initiate calls while riding your motorcycle
  • Weather protected headset fits any motorcycle helmet even under rain and snow conditions
  • Self-installation of entire system within 5 minutes, leaving no traces on helmet when removed. Instant quick-release and re-attachment mechanism for headset unit.
  • HIB (High Impact Balancing) Microphone for inter-city speed conditions.
  • AVA Technology: Speaker volume adjusts automatically according to ambient noise level and driving speed. No need to use volume buttons.
  • VOX Technology. Receive or reject incoming calls by random voice control.
  • Special clamp allows daily attachment or release of the headset from helmet within seconds.
  • Optional FM Radio
  • Optional Remote Control on handle-bar provides multiple cellphone and radio functions. Self-Installation in less than 5 Minutes.
  • Recharging from any regular outlet.

  1. Wind-resistant microphone also works at high-speeds
  2. Quick-release clamp to attach or detach headset within seconds
  3. Super-slim speaker fits any helmet and adjusts volume automatically
  4. Large, easy-to-reach control button
  5. Separate FM radio button
  6. Separate volume and radio station search buttons

We’ll see about that Cardio Systems…. WE SHALL SEEEEEEEeeeeee…
(steve backs out of the room with a fury of hand-wringing and evil laughter)

(If I get one to demo I’ll give it the full-nelson and see if it submits or turns around and whups my pessimistic ass)

I’m startin’ get get butterflies in my stomach. I don’t usually expect a product to take me up on my full-nelson. The Scala Rider must be pretty confident if it’s making the long journey down to Austin. I better start training now! No tellin’ when it’ll show up and WHAT it’ll be capable of!

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