Opinions on the Yamaha XC300

Tue, Oct 31, 2006


Scooters VI
Originally uploaded by spdl_n1.

Here’s a scooter we don’t have in the USA (suprised?). It’s the Yamaha XC300. It’s got sorta that two-wheeled sedan look about it.

Is it something you’d consider buying or is it best left to the Italians?


7 Responses to “Opinions on the Yamaha XC300”

  1. illnoise Says:

    I’ve seen those around the web, I kinda dig it, it looks like the C3′s big brother, or a Honda “Big Ruckus” with bodywork. Very ‘executive.’


  2. Nate Says:

    We have got to find us a grey market source for cool scoots like that! Doesn’t somebody have a cousin in Europe that could crate and ship some of those forbidden to us Yanks, neat toys?



  3. Anonymous Says:

    Why do the Europeans get all the cool scoots? Makes me wonder. How do we get the word out to Honda that we want the cool scooters here because more of us are riding them as our major form of transportation, not as toys or a hobby? Does anyone know someone at Honda?


  4. Anonymous Says:

    I believe the Europeans get the good scooters because the USA doesn’t have much of a scooter market. HELLO……!!! Maybe more folks here would BUY scooters if we had more interesting choices. I like the looks of the Yamaha XC300. I like the idea of having a 300cc scooter without the thing being a monster and over-whelming those of us smaller in stature.


  5. ScooterGuru Says:

    I just want more CHOICE! Why do the major OEM’s think we all want the SAME THING?! Must be all those biker wannabe’s in leather and scullcaps…
    I purchased the most different scooter I could find, which also happened to meet my needs fully, an Aprilia S500, and now they don’t even make that version anymore.


  6. Steve Says:

    It’s a terrible catch-22 I’m afraid. New brands don’t want to come to the USA because of the immense costs to build the importation and support infrastructure.

    Take Gilera for instance. They have a half dozen cool looking scooters yet to be introduced to the USA. Why won’t they bring us the Runner? Or the Nexus? Or the Fire 500?

    It could be because their owner (Piaggio) is working hard enough trying to sell their EXISTING US product (Piaggio, Vespa , and Aprilia). They don’t want to create even more competition for themselves. That would mean they would have to ship over smaller quantities and bigger varieties. They’d also have to ship over a bigger assortment of parts. They would have to make sure there were Gilera certified mechanics. They’d have to go through the licensing and certification hassles to get a new brand in each State. And that’s just the start of it.

    All of that to try to please a relatively small US market. I mean, SURE the market IS growing here, but you are fighting against a decades old American Mentality… You’ve probably heard it… “Get a REAL bike”, “It’s too damn small”, “Scooters are gay”, “You’ll kill yourself out there on on of those… Especially with all those SUV’s out there”, so on, and so on, and so on.

    Also, generally speaking, the American market is fickle. They might have considered a scooter a few months ago when it cost $60 to fill up their truck, but now that gas is cheap ($2.20/gal), the idea is gone. See? High gas prices weren’t so bad.

    When American’s (again I’ll add “generally speaking”) loose the “Bigger is better” or “Macho-man mentality”… and when they loose the “Only giant vehicles are safe”… and when gas stabilizes at $4 a gallon, THEN we might see a more permanent change of heart here… At least until GM makes a Hybrid Hummer, then all bets are off.

    Scooters work for me because 1) I don’t have nuthin’ to prove… no need to own a 1800cc two wheeled tank. 2) They are fun and efficient! 3) I get tickled when I smoke a pickup truck at stop lights with my teeny, gay scooter.

    Alas… we scooterists are still the minority. That’s why it’s important to make yourself seen! Join a rider’s group! Put on a scooter show! Organize a Rally! The more that other Americans see scooterists with their coat-hanger smiles, the more they’ll consider crossing over. Thanks for listening.
    *steps off soapbox… goes back to eating his turkey & cheese sammich and daydreams about importing a cool grey market Gilera, or Yamaha, or Peugeot, or…*


  7. Steve Says:

    I’d still like to see THIS 2-wheeled sedan from Honda come to be:


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