American’s take the MP3 concept and make it electric

Thu, Nov 16, 2006


Good eyes Vanya! She spotted this post at French site It appears they got the scoop on what American company “Vectrix” is cooking up. Of course there’s the Vectrix electric maxi-scooter which is finally ready to hit the road (after 10 years of development) and NOW there is this familiar looking package, the 3 wheeled prototype which is expected to be seen as a fuel-cell hybrid in 2008. Looks like Piaggio knew the time was coming for the 2/1 wheel configuration… We’ve seen it on the mP3, the Gilera Fuoco, the IRS 1000 and now this? Who’s next? T’NG?

Click on the title link to see more photos and the google French / English translation attempt.

Found a couple of videos on the Vectrix Here and Here. Looks pretty fun actually.

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3 Responses to “American’s take the MP3 concept and make it electric”

  1. Combatscoot Says:

    Did you notice how small the prototype looks next to the leggy model in the first picture of the article?
    I really like the ideas behind the Vectrix scooter, and the scooter itself, but the low top speed and range kill it for me.


  2. Bryce Says:

    Give it a higher top speed and more range at speed and I’ll get excited. It’s going to be costly, to be sure.


  3. Anonymous Says:

    They think THAT looks better then a vespa? I’m going there with my P200, and do donuts in their office until they cry


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