hits 10,000 views!

Tue, Nov 28, 2006


(Thumbs-up to all the viewers who managed to drudge through our looong, pilot video show)

Back in December 2005 we decided to expand a bit… break new ground! We considered a “Podcast”(tm), but that was just too popular at the time PLUS it just wouldn’t work for a visual person like myself.

If I was gonna take the time to enjoy a ‘cast’ I wanna hear the scooter, see her in action. SO, in a true gorilla style we went out to cover the introduction of the Sachs (Tomberlin) MadAss. Dan, Casey, Jeff, Weldon, Bella and I grabbed the home video camera and went to work. Sure, it’s not perfect but it’s a start and MUCH was learned in the process (take the scooter OFF PREMISES to avoid intercom chatter was a big one).

By the end of January we had recorded, edited and posted our first vidcast for The feedback rolled in… mostly supportive and constructive and we are taking that ALL into account for the new episodes planned for 2007. You can expect:

  • Tighter episodes – Down to like 5-10 minutes each.
  • Better production – We’re enlisting the help of Video-Ninja Ed Honzik for advice and assistance with the shooting and editing.
  • Bigger crew – We’ve got some volunteers for things like sound, lighting and the ever essential teleprompter.
  • Added eye/ear candy – We are looking to get a :10 second video intro and theme song as well as some background tunes to make this baby SHINE!
  • Show Sponsors – You may not think it helps YOU, but having Scooter/Moped related sponsors will generate some much needed revenue so we can make the show / site BIGGER and BETTER!

Thanks to everyone who provided help and feedback AND to those of you who have purchased the jacket patch or dropped a virtual tip in our jar (did you notice your name in the show credits?)! I hope you’ll continue to send your good intentions our way so that we can make TheScooterScoop what it’s meant to be. If you have any advice, feedback, suggestions, equipment, or money you’d like to share, please do so here in the comments area or via email at Manufacturers who would like to be sponsors should shoot me an email at the same address to make arrangements for ad production and discuss rates for the 2008 season.

We look forward to big things in ’08 and hope you’ll continue to join us for the ride! Thanks again for staying tuned to TheScooterScoop!

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3 Responses to “ hits 10,000 views!”

  1. Cleat Says:

    Funny that this would come up on the very DAY that I was going to write a direct e-mail to ask if there would be another “cast”!!!???!!!

    Good deal!!


  2. heystacy! Says:

    This is so cool. I’d love to see more episodes. I’ll remember to check for it.


  3. Steve Williams Says:

    Wow, as many times as I’ve visited your site and marveled how you seem to come up with great content I never knew about

    I think more shorter episodes would be great and you do a fantastic job on camera.

    Great work!


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