Test your scooter knowledge

Sat, Dec 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by ir0g0.

Take a close look at this:
Can you figure out what it is?

I did about 8 minutes of Googling to figure it out.
If you give up then click here to find out:

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4 Responses to “Test your scooter knowledge”

  1. Tinker Says:

    Like the rack below seat height, but it hardly seems necessary on a step-through style seat. When I stop for the mail and end up with a package on the back of my motorcycle it’s a problem to clear the package when mounting my ride.


  2. aki Says:

    Excuse me wrong address i wrote,
    Please write one line URL from
    following two line,



  3. ScooterScoop Says:

    Our good friend in Japan, Aki, recognized this scooter and actually had THIS to add to his comment:

    “This model made for a news paper delivery, But in Japan Honda cub is one of “Standerd” on these business, Not so good sales this scooter,

    Thank you,
    Aki Hasegawa,

    THANK YOU for the insite Aki! If you see any more oddities there and you have your camera, we’d LOVE to see ‘em! ;)


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