Off topic video: Reno Balloon Race 2006

Wed, Feb 7, 2007


It was just too cool to not share even though there are no scooters visible.


2 Responses to “Off topic video: Reno Balloon Race 2006”

  1. Bryce Says:

    How are those things not bumping into one another?


  2. Doggie Daddy Says:

    I’ve watched them every year since we moved up here (about 15 years) and I can’t say they haven’t gotten very close but it seems the bulk of the problems are too much wind or it warms up too fast.

    Although they’d like to find their way back to the park they launch from, it’s not unusual to watch them land in interesting places near by.

    The best photo op is the “Dawn Patrol” when a few select balloons launch before sunrise.
    As for scooters, my SWing would be parked at work about a mile and a half to the left of the picture.


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