This scooter sucks…

Tue, Feb 13, 2007


Street Hoover
Originally uploaded by jaqian.

No! Really! This photo of the “Street Hoover” taken by jaqian is made for keeping the streets clean. I couldn’t find any more info on it though. I can almost make out the manufacturer’s name at the top, but not enough to located their home page to get some details. Oh well, maybe you’ll have better luck.

6 Responses to “This scooter sucks…”

  1. Combatscoot Says:

    I remember seeing an article about something similar to that in paris, where a large portion of the population owns pets. It’s basically a “pooper hoover”.


  2. Steve Says:

    Hrm… yeah… I don’t think I wanna ride in that thing after all. I was thinking it just picked up dust, gum wrappers or cigarettes. Putting out and smellin’ like poop is not a good time.


  3. Jaqian Says:

    Well it can’t be for hoovering poop as there are no pets in EuroDisney, which is where I took this photo. Probably for sucking up all the leaves and paper wrappers etc.


  4. ScooterScoop Says:

    Ahhh, cool! I’d ride it in that case. Thanks for giving us a little more insight as to what we were looking at!


  5. Jaqian Says:

    Had another look at the name. Under the seat when picture is viewed large you can just make out what I think is “galopin”. Hope that helps.


  6. Steve Says:


    There you have it!
    Thanks Jaqian


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