Mojito black and white and DEALS all over.

Wed, Mar 21, 2007


Originally uploaded by opeksei.

I saw this photo from opeksei and remembered how much I love the Aprilia Mojito. Judging by the fact that the driver is wearing a Momo helmet, this is probably the Aprilia Havana (same thing).

I decided to give Jay Bernard over a Mototek a call to see what’s new. He actually offered to let us use a couple of Mojitos for the annual Capital 10k Noisemaker ride this Sunday. Too cool!

He also mentioned that he still has back-stock on a few 2005 Mojito 50′s and he’s offering a GREAT deal on them to make room for his new stock. The Mojito 50′s come de-restricted and I believe they have Leo Vinci pipes on them!

If your interested in one of those New ’05, 2-stroke Mojitos you can snag it for $1,999 (lower than dealer cost)! Just give Jay a call and mention TheScooterScoop deal on the Mojito or if you like the Scarabeo 50… he’s got the same deal on those as well, just $1,999.


4 Responses to “Mojito black and white and DEALS all over.”

  1. Robert Says:

    That is a great picture – and I’ve never even heard of the Mojito (unless I’m drinking ‘em!)


  2. Steve Says:

    HAha. Yeah, I’m a fan of THAT mojito too.

    The one you see in the photo is from Aprilia and it’s called the Mojito Custom. Comes in a 50cc 2t and a 150cc 4t. Their all nice and shiny and chromey and stuff.

    You can see the specs here:


  3. motorcycle-oil Says:

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    lubricants, the ultimate out-of-pocket cost of the lubricant is less. This cost savings becomes even greater if you have

    someone else change your oil for you rather than doing it yourself!


  4. Anonymous Says:

    I just bought a Mojito 125 because I think it is one of the most beautiful scooters on the market, for its class. I saw a another european brand with a much larger mojito lookalike recently. I think it was around 250cc, maybe bigger. Cant remember what it was called.m


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