DiCaprio rides Zuma

Wed, May 16, 2007


Looks like DiCaprio is out for his morning cuppa coffee on the back of his YammyZuma… sans helmet, jacket or gloves. Yikes! I hope he’s not going far.

You know, speaking of DiCaprio… I was one of those dudes who hated-on him back in the days (90′s), and when I heard that rumor that he might play Vader in the Starwars Ep2 & 3 I was up in arms! “He could NEVER be the dark lord!”. Today, in hindsight… I think he actually would have kicked ass as Vader. Yes, I actually said that. I’m judging by the work I’ve seen him in lately (over the last decade minus “The Beach”) and by the fact that I don’t care if girls are droolin’ all over him. It’s easy to hate someone who gets more than you when you’re young and single.

Thanks to Bob in Alberta and E! Online for the shot!
Oh! And click on the title link to see a bunch more scootin’ stars.


6 Responses to “DiCaprio rides Zuma”

  1. illnoise Says:

    He couldn’t have been a worse anakin skywalker than the other twits that played him in I, II, and III. Then again, George Lucas made Harrison Ford and Natalie Portman look like bad actors, and Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Liam Neeson, and Ewan MacGregor just *barely* pulled it off.


  2. Steve Says:

    whew… yeah Ill. You said it. That flat dialog style George has got really made those guys/gals look like stinkers. And, there’s 2 more movies on the way (so I hear). Hey George… give Spielberg a shot, you know, for old times sake.


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Look at his two finger driving style poor control I’d say…


  4. Anonymous Says:

    I think the Zuma is a two stroke. Nothing wrong with riding a 2 stroke, but when you lecture the rest of us on your driving habits such as Mr. Prius then riding a 2 stroke makes one a hypocrite, no?


  5. Steve Says:

    What I’m hoping is that he is stopping… though, when I stop I use my pinky and ring finger not my pointy-finger and middle-finger. That way I can easily lift those fingers if I need to change my mind and accelerate.

    On the second anon comment. I’m not positive I caught on. The Zuma IS a two-stroke (may it rest in peace), but I’m not sure how the rest of that fits in other than, “yes, perhaps a Prius has better emissions than a Zuma”, though I don’t have any quantitative data to back that up.


  6. Anonymous Says:

    I think Di Caprio will turn out to be one of the greatest actors in Hollywood, he’ll be up there amongst the de niro’s the bogarts, the eastwoods etc, wait and see.. im a film student in London and i sincerely hope i meet him one day


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