Spiderman 3: Peter Parker’s Puch

Thu, May 17, 2007


Went and saw Spiderman 3 last night… My review can be summed up in 2 letters “eh”.
Here’s the unabridged version:
(spoiler warning)
In this one Spidey gets a shot of black, gooey, testosterone making him less of a geek. Spidey turns bad, bad guys turn good, and none of it fits into the original Marvel Universe. It’s fine that they didn’t reconstruct the Secret Wars scene just so Spidey could get the black suit… but from what I remember, he no longer had a suit… He had this symbiotic being that was on him and when he needed his suit, it would just appear. He didn’t pull it out of a trunk.

There were lots of flying fight scenes that were displayed in “real time”, making them very hard to follow the first time around. That’s a benefit of a comic book; the scenes are easy to follow. I didn’t like Mary Jane’s lipsynching and the whole goofy love triangle thing. In my opinion, the entire film could have been summed up in :20 minutes. They should make an A.D.D. cut of the flick. ‘Nuff Said.


3 Responses to “Spiderman 3: Peter Parker’s Puch”

  1. Keys Says:

    Um, Steve, actually, the concept of the symbiotic “suit” turning Petey into Venom WAS in the comic books back in the ’80′s. And yes, although he began good the force drew him to the dark side. Hmm. Am I mixing my stories…??


  2. Steve Says:

    Right I remember. Secret Wars is where Spidey picked it up. I got the comics in a box around here somewhere. But you are correct, the suit started to take him over until Mr. Fantastic discovered that sound waves could be used to defeat the alien being (suit)… I think the Fan Four put Spiderman in the bell tower that eventually allowed him to break free and Stretch put the thing in a jar.

    A bit different than what we saw in the movie, but I guess we can’t expect it to follow the original Stan Lee gospel… especially since the Fantastic Four already has another movie coming out soon. I can’t wait to see Galactus!


  3. Jay Says:

    Topher Grace….awful choice.

    15 minutes of screen time for Venom, only to get blown up….insulting!

    Sandman being “the real killer”….completely pointless.

    That whole apology and “I forgive you” crap at the end……LAME!

    Mary Jane singing……my ears are bleeding.

    Not one time did the spider senses go off…….WTF?!

    Sam Rami was asleep at the wheel for this one. I was so disappointed.


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