The Suzuki Burgman gets a new cousin (may only speak Italian)

Thu, Jul 5, 2007


Suzuki recently “busted out” their new line for 2008, and there on the floor… hiding in the shadows of the B-King and new ‘Busa was this baby, the Suzuki Sixteen. Why Sixteen? Well, because that was the average age of their models (booth babes) on the floor. Hehe, not really. It’s because this is the first Big Wheel from Suzuki. Sixteen inch tires, perfect for navigating European cobblestone… just like the other top selling Japanese scooter the SH150 and SH300i.

So, by now you’ve probably put together the story. Suzuki has built a scooter to compete in that big-wheeled, Japanese owned market… Now they just have to compete with these guys: was there to get the scoop on the Sixteen and we thank them for that. You won’t see the Sixteen here in the USA, if you were wondering. But, if you STILL wanna see the specs they are below. Just click the make them a bit bigger.

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2 Responses to “The Suzuki Burgman gets a new cousin (may only speak Italian)”

  1. bryce Says:

    I’m not in love with that whole stadium seating thing that nearly every new scooter in the past few years has picked up.


  2. Combatscoot Says:

    Shades of TNG Verona…


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