
Sat, Jul 28, 2007


Yamaha Majesty, modified
Originally uploaded by benediktine

I know, I know. WHERE ARE THE POSTS!?
It’s been a busy week and we’ve got lots of changes going on here at the site (to be revealed soon). In addition we’ve got edits and shoots and all kinds of TSS.TV stuff going on (also to be revealed soon).

Just wanted to let you know we are still alive and kickin’. Speaking of “kickin’”, check out this completed modded Yamaha Majesty snapped in Japan by benediktine.

The Japanese know NO limits when it comes to customizing.

Thanks for hanging in there. More news coming soon.

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2 Responses to “Updates”

  1. Keys Says:

    I understand, Steve…I’ve been attending a police academy so my own blog has been suffering as a result…


  2. Robert Says:

    Looking forward to the changes! Hooray for Scooter Scoop!


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