Blogger Spotlight – Rush Hour Rambling

Tue, Aug 21, 2007


Whilst bopping around the net I ran into a blog that I don’t remember seeing before, Rush Hour Rambling. It comes to us from Gary Charpentier (French for “pencil sharpener”… no, um… “Carpenter”. My French is a bit, how you say, “Rus TEE?”).

Gary rides and writes in Minnesota where it’s cold and stuff. Being an ex-Marine, Gary finds delight in scooting around on black ice and other dangerous stuff, as I discovered in post titled “Squirrelly Scarlet”. In this story Gary took his Baron out for a little ice skating in 43 degree weather. Hard to believe winter’s right around the corner. Speaking of corners, check out this little snipped from the story:

We entered the corner in the approved foot-down fashion. Scarlet began to slide, so I let off the throttle. This is where her squirrelly side emerged, because she kept right on spinning and sliding until I was at full opposite lock on the handlebars.

That was when I saw the car coming in the other lane.

We were heading straight for it, of course, and I had a decision to make: squeeze the rear brake and try to save us both (a very low-percentage play), -or let Scarlet go and save myself. We were going about 20 mph, not very fast on a scooter, but faster than I can run. Still, I knew that I could just stand there and slide to a stop under much more control than I would have on the ground with Scarlet.

So I…

You have to click on the title link to read the rest of the post. Suspenseful, eh? Anyway, we enjoy your writings Gary. Keep up the great work.

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2 Responses to “Blogger Spotlight – Rush Hour Rambling”

  1. Blue Mark Says:

    I remember reading Gary’s blog under its old name “The Baron in Winter” …


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Yes he has a great blog that has been up and running for a while now.


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