What has 125ccs and can suck up 10 liters of dog poop?

Tue, Aug 21, 2007


(note, I didn’t add the fuzzy box around the scoot, it came that way… makes it look prettier)

The Carre Galopin “Le Citadin” or “The Townsman”, that’s what. Jaqian, our eagle-eyed reader, picked up it’s scent (so to speak) from an image posted back in February. We wondered who would add a vacuum to a scooter, and who would ride a scooter filled with dog poop? The answer is “The French”. They should feature one of the riders in a future episode of Dirty Jobs.

If you are interested in finding out MORE about this wheeled torture device, click on the title link. (Have you noticed that we mentioned “French” twice today already? Strange.)

On a final note, this wheeled pooper scooper also comes in a 3-wheeled electric model. Now, if they could just figure out a way to use the poop to power the scooter? They’d be on to something.

Hope that if they ever bring one to Austin that they send it with a much bigger top box. There’s lots of dog owners here with BIG dogs… a 10 liter box would definitely mean “Chocolate Rain“, if you know what I’m sayin’.


2 Responses to “What has 125ccs and can suck up 10 liters of dog poop?”

  1. Blue Mark Says:

    I assume that is a Renault Jetforce – it looks just like my Genuine Blur (PGO G-Max). Wouldn’t a Segway be better suited for this duty (doody).


  2. Dudel Says:


    From the VespaOnline forum: “Purtroppo gli sforzi della Piaggio in questo momento sono orientati su un nuovo veicolo, una specie di MP3 enorme, motorizzato con un 850 di derivazione Guzzi e cambio sequenziale…”

    Piaggio is building a version of the 3-wheel MP3/Fuoco with the 839.3cc engine and CVT plus final-chain-drive from the 850Mana/GP800 which will be sold as a Moto Guzzi.


    Also, it looks like photos of the final production version of the GP800 are popping up on the web. Of note, the scooter was originally designed with a final reduction by synchronous belt but it looks like they switched to a chain (ala, 850Mana). This makes sense since even before the official concept unveiling in Milan last year there was talk about this scooter popping wheelies, smoking tires… and snapping the belt.


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