I’m so blue

Tue, Sep 4, 2007


Originally uploaded by peglas

Peglas shares this eye catching photo that kinda evokes my mood right now… you see, I just spent the last 30 minutes (11:30pm to midnight) driving my 2 yr old boy around trying to get him to pass out. No infink should fight sleep from 8pm ’till past midnight. Every time I looked in the rear view mirror it looked like a cabbage patch kid was in the car seat. No blinking, no yawning, just sitting and staring out the window. ARRRGH!

After :30, I gave up. Came home… he’s still talking. Gave him the hand-off to the wife, wrote this post and now I’m going to retire in his bed. It’s the bunk right under my little girl’s bed. At least SHE sleeps good. G’nite.

OH! And prepare to be shocked and awed tomorrow night. Honda will make their official product announcements for 2008. OMG! I can hardly wait… now, I’ll never get to sleep. Tune in just after 10pm CST to get the scoop.

I wrote this on Tuesday morning, so by “tomorrow night” I mean Wednesday night… Which also happens to be my birthday. w00t!

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4 Responses to “I’m so blue”

  1. RickRussellTX Says:

    One word, my friend:


    Seriously. It’s like it rewrites the brain’s sleep circuit or something. We’ve been giving it to our 5-year-old about 20 minutes before bedtime for weeks now and it works like a charm.

    It used to take 45-120 minutes of complaining and playing around before he was tired enough to sleep willingly. Now he’s getting a consistent 10-11 hours of sleep every night.

    We’re using this stuff:


    but anything in the 1-gram-per-dose range would work OK.



  2. SCGT Says:

    Happy Birthday for one of our best friends in all Scooter Kingdom–that’s you, Steve!…and many, many more.–Scooter Club Golden Triangle


  3. Six-Fing Thing Says:

    Wow…I used to have to do much the same thing with our daughter only maybe not quite so severe a case. They do eventually learn not to fight it. You’ll get through it.
    I know this because our daughter is grown (and now has a baby boy) and our son just started his freshman year in college and so after the whole 20-something year odyessey(sp)
    Rhoda and I are suddenly just two again. It’s great. But really it all went very fast.


  4. SCGT Says:

    Oh, yeah! I wish that Honda will finally bring the great SH300i to America! Got my fingers crossed on both hands and rubbed Buddha’s belly, too.–Lawrence


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