Ultimate roadside readiness kit?

Mon, Sep 17, 2007

Educational, Rides

While visiting VespaMaintenance.com, I found Richard Hoar’s pretty comprehensive checklist of tools he brings on the road with him. Outside of spare bulbs and electrical tape, he has most everything covered with maybe a little room to squeeze some other essentials in there. You may wanna bring some extra oil (gear oil, engine oil/2 stroke oil) lube for cables, brake fluid (if you’ve got disc brakes). As long as you’ve got space, why not cram a gas can in there.

This is a disposable folding cardboard gas can from itzagascan made right here in the good old US of A. Another great item, that will probably put a cramp in your storage space, is THIS little emergency pack from the other side of the globe… the Emergency Ramen kit.

Everything you need to feed a pack of 5 hungry scooterists on your way to the rally… so at least you’ve got lunch covered.

So, as long as we’re on the topic… what else do you suggest one bring to boost their road readiness before a long haul? I’m trying to figure out the ultimate roadside readiness kit. It would ultimately fit in your scooter’s built in storage (glove box, underseat, etc).


4 Responses to “Ultimate roadside readiness kit?”

  1. doggie daddy Says:

    Ya know, nothin’ beats a cel phone and a whole lotta cash.


  2. Steve Says:

    That’s something to consider… and I got a cell phone. Now I just gotta get the “whole lotta cash” part.


  3. GenWaylaid Says:

    Wait…no duct tape? How can you ride without duct tape!

    I once patched up a nearly totaled Oldsmobile with duct tape and drove it cross-country in the dead of winter. Surely there must be scooter uses. If you want to go upscale, I suggest bringing some cloth-backed gaffer’s tape and some metal-backed muffler tape as well.

    I’d also suggest a simple first-aid kit. Since the most likely problem is road rash, just carry a roll of gauze, some ace bandages, and those little scissors. Iodine is optional.


  4. GenWaylaid Says:

    Road flares are also handy, though you’re more likely to use them as firework substitues while drunk at a rally than for any intended purpose.


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