Off topic?: VH1′s The Pickup Artist concludes… scooterist doesn’t win this time

Tue, Sep 25, 2007


(Portland scooterist and pickup artist who bowed out too soon… Spoon)

Don’t know if you were keeping up with this entertaining and educational show. I won’t say the winner’s name to prevent spoilage, but I will mention another one of the competitors, Stephen Poon AKA Spoon (title link). Sure, he may have been the first to leave, but he’s still #1 in my book. Why? ’cause he’s a damn scooterist, that’s why! Spoon, I’m sure things have improved for you in the woman department since your brief stay here in Austin. I wanted to let you know that you’re always welcome back! (mostly because I won’t have to worry about you stealin’ my lady… Kosmo & Brady, you guys are NOT invited!)

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One Response to “Off topic?: VH1′s The Pickup Artist concludes… scooterist doesn’t win this time”

  1. jim Says:

    Woo hoo! Spoon should head over to North Bar in SE when he’s riding – The bartenders ride mopeds and luv the scooter crowd! Not to mention they play the hell out of Spoon’s cd on the jukebox.


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