Just Gotta Scoot Interview is posted – Steve manages to NOT choke

Fri, Nov 9, 2007


Here’s to David Harrington, host of the Just Gotta Scoot, for taking the time to let us plug this here scooter site.

Click on the title link to select any of the 31 fascinating and fun filled episodes or download Steve’s long winded episode #31 HERE. No, seriously… It’s the longest episode on there.

Will post more about the interview tonight after night 2 of Austin’s “Go to Hell” rally.

Ok, it’s 12:39am right now. I decided to head home early so I can make it through the day tomorrow. It was an interesting night tonight. I met some cool people, I caught up with some old friends, I made amends with other friends. The vibe felt a bit tense at first, but it started to mellow as the night progressed… that is until we rode past UT. If you like to fight, it’s as simple as riding a scooter on “the drag” after 9pm on a Friday or Saturday. You are GUARANTEED to hear at least 2 girls say “whoo hoo!” and at least 6 guys say “hey scooter fag! yeah, I’m talkin’ to you pussy” (or something there abouts). I know it’s not very peaceful of me, but I really do restrain myself from pulling up to one of these young, little wads of testosterone and “talking it over with them”. I think the only thing that really stops me, is the fear that they will kick my scooter over. That would be very sad indeed.

Tomorrow should be an even better day.

So, the interview. I really had fun! David H. is a very confident podcast personality. Very easy to talk to. I’m glad he didn’t ask me too many hard questions. If we would have gotten into geography or mathematics, I would have had to have hung up. Another thing about the guy is that he’s prolific! When we talked, he was JUST finishing up a prior podcast. Today, if you listed to one episode a day, it would take you at LEAST a month to get though all of his work. Makes my 3 videocasts look happenstance… like an accidental event… like “AHHHCHOO! Ooops, I made a video cast.” I hope I can pick up the pace, so I don’t get left behind in the -cast world.

Keep up the great work Dave!

9 Responses to “Just Gotta Scoot Interview is posted – Steve manages to NOT choke”

  1. scgt Says:

    Very nicely done, Steve! You’re a natural. Keep up the great work!–Lorenzo


  2. DaveM Says:

    Way to go Steve, I’m listening in the Cinci airport…glad to see you keeping up your end of the conversation. – DaveM SCTRCST


  3. Casey Says:

    Kool dude, Thanx for the Hooligans shout out! Not just because were friends, but you are doing some damn fine work and deserve your props!


  4. Steve Says:

    Awww, THANKS guys! Mostly for not making me feel like an idiot… which I sometimes do when a microphone is pointed at me.

    I appreciate the SCGT for their warmheartedness (huh? That passed my spell checker? I guess I’ll keep it.) The compassion you guys convey is something the scooter scene is in desperate need of, and I am grateful for what you do.

    DaveM! The SCTRCSTer! I look forward to our call in the near future. What you and DavidH do for the scooter community is outstanding and is also an excellent way to preserve history! You guys are pioneers! Thank you.

    Casey! My fellow Hooligan. Well, if anyone deserves props it’s YOU Hooligans! You guys aren’t just in the scene, you are creating the scene. It feels more like a “Mad Scientist’s Club”, than a scooter club. When I think about what you guys are capable of, it makes ME feel unimpeded, like anythings possible. Cheers!


  5. Steve Williams Says:

    Steve, you have a great radio presence and you and Dave have a fantastic discussion. It was fun to listen to your transformation from Florida to Austin, from bicycle to scooter.

    And 82 degrees in your neighborhood. Sorry to hear you don’t have any nice cool weather to enjoy!

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks


  6. Casey Says:

    Oh man, I have so much I could say about all the drunk frat boys trying to start fights on 6th.. None of it good of course. I think it’s mostly a case of them having LDS. so sad really.


  7. Emily is Strange Says:

    Hey, I took that photo…where is my cut!


  8. Steve Says:

    Steve Williams! If it isn’t my favorite 2-wheeled photographer. Thanks for the kind words. I look forward to hearing the “Scooter in the Sticks” interview in the not too distant future.

    Emily Strange! Good to see you here in our part-a-town for the ‘Go to hell’ rally. You know… I’d give you a cut, but I think someone else would argue that THEY took that picture. Me personally… I know there was a lot of a-shootin’ goin’ on… I know I had a few too many T&T’s (not coming close to your ‘mind eraser’ count), so I can neither confirm nor deny that you took that photo… so, to solve the debate once and for all, we’ll have you and Erika mud wrestle at the next rally and see who wins rights to “the cut”. Deal?


  9. Steve Says:

    Did I say “mud wrestle”? I meant, “mud rastle”.


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