Humans aren’t the only ones who dig the cub

Wed, Dec 19, 2007


Nha Trang – Good Driver
Originally uploaded by aj.slater

No, AJ.Slater’s photo shows here that man’s best friend is a fan too. It’s easy to understand why the cub is the number one selling vehicle in the WORLD.

5 Responses to “Humans aren’t the only ones who dig the cub”

  1. Tim Says:

    The number one selling vehicle in the world? Wow, I didn’t know dogs had that much spending money.


  2. ebellempire Says:

    They mention the Cub in a recent NY Times blog feature (I forget the title).

    You might want to check it out, since the author states that scooters are only about as dangerous as bicycles and that helmets make you look stupid. What an irresponsible idiot!


  3. ScooterScoop Says:

    ACK! You’re pullin’ my chain, RIGHT? I’ve gotta go read this article. BBIAB.


  4. Lorenzo Says:

    I believe this is the article that ebellempire was referring to. And if you like that one, you might be interested in this one also.

    *Thanks Orino!


  5. Alix Says:

    Dang. My dog won’t do that. We’ve been trying for days. I think he’s pissed because I rode off on my scooter for three months. Either that or he’s scared of heights or just generally contentious.

    Read that article and was glad to see that there were 125 comments to the meatbag who wrote it-not necessarily sharp comments, but some good ones about safety.


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