Behind the scenes of the NPS600 SuperRuckus

Tue, May 6, 2008

Custom, Scooter

The most sinister of scooters, the NPS600, was first mentioned on the Scoop back in 2007 with a tiny little video. This Kansas City contraption is the masterpiece of a madman called “PomeRuck” over on the site (see title link).

After the video we wanted more. How was it done? What sort of work went into shoving the power plant of a Honda Silverwing into the backside of a Honda Ruckus (the little one mind you, not the Big Ruckus, may she rest in peace). This monster was even featured (twice) in MotorChanpu (motorchamp) magazine. Well, Dean has decided to let us behind the scenes. Click on the title link to read the step-by-step. Who knows, it might inspire YOU to do some scooter voodoo of your own.

Oh, and you can get a subscription to MotorChamp magazine for between $105 and $150/year depending if you want it delivered by boat or by jet.

***UPDATE 5/13/08***

“What it’s like to ride the NPS600″ or “What it’s like to be Superman”.

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4 Responses to “Behind the scenes of the NPS600 SuperRuckus”

  1. Tim Says:

    That is an amazing custom. I would love to see more video of it in action.


  2. SpoonKiller Says:

    If Chuck Norris were a scooter he would be the NPS600!


  3. ScooterScoop Says:

    Indeed. If Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, Jack Palance, Harry Callahan, Chuck Norris and Shaft were buying rounds at a bar the NPS600 would show up on a cocktail napkin before the night was up.

    And only Steve-O would be crazy enough to ride it ok Steve-O and Dean. :D


  4. Anonymous Says:

    Why can’t I buy this? Why won’t the manufacturers make high-performance “naked” scooters like this?


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