Who made the "worst bike ever"?

Thu, May 15, 2008


(A poorly built bike is one thing, but a bike that’s out to KEEEL you is a whole ‘nother ballgame!)

I was popping around SuperHunky (for some reason) and saw this post called “Worst bikes of all time”. I’ve always been interested in extremes. “What’s the best” is good to know, but “what’s the worst” is just as important.

Well it turns out that the “worst bike ever” came from our good friends in Japan, Suzuki! Sure, Christine was a red-and-white 1958 Plymouth Fury, BUT if she was a motorcycle she’d have been a 1971 Suzuki TM-400R Cyclone. Off-road.com also poses the question. Was it the most dangerous bike of all time? Anyone wanna test drive one and let us know? I’m kidding. Please don’t.

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6 Responses to “Who made the "worst bike ever"?”

  1. Phil Phartman Says:

    The TNG Lowboy was the worst bike of all time.


  2. Steve Says:

    As in “Wanted for murder – TNG Lowboy” kind of “worst bike”?


  3. Danny Hooligan Says:

    The bike in the picture almost looks like the first motorcycle I ever owned – 1976 YZ 125. I got it in 1986. It was DG worked and I could beat guys with brand new bikes. Siezed ti twice though, that bike rode on the edge.

    Best bike ever made? 1985 CR 250

    Danny Hooligan


  4. Phil phartman Says:

    Steve said…

    As in “Wanted for murder – TNG Lowboy” kind of “worst bike”?

    Oh, I get it. More like “as in wanted for being the most overpriced, poorly-engineered, unreliable piece of crap” :-)


  5. Tim Says:

    I’m betting there is some bike out of the 1970′s East Germany that beats this thing.


  6. Christopher Says:

    THE most dangerous bike to my knowledge was the Kawasaki “WidowMaker” (nickname) series of three cylinder 2-stroke motorbikes from the 1970s. I had one and the two features it had that were guranteed to make ANYone that didn’t know better lose 5 shades of melanin was:
    1) A power curve like a brick wall, 1800 rpm, nothing, wheezing 2000 … 2200 BAM! WARP DRIVE! You learned to lean forward watching the tach. Its the closest I’ll probably ever come to riding a rocket into space. I think that might be the bike that coined the term “Crotch Rocket”.
    2) In a turn … you hit the brakes AND IT STANDS UP AND GOES STRAIGHT! I dented the gas tank the first time I discovered this … errr. … “feature”, I failed to make the turn and went through two sets of shrubbery at 40mph. Lost lots of skin on my knuckles.

    Its a deadly bike.


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