If anyone needs you to show ‘em some love right now it’s Steve Sellers

Mon, Jul 7, 2008


On Sunday, June 22nd, P-Town Scooters’ mechanic Steve Sellers was admitted to a local hospital where things went from bad to worse. I never had the fortune of meeting Steve in person, but I’ve heard much about him and I do know he was one of the few to test drive the Sasquatch of the scooter world (the CMSI L-Series “Lambretta”). Let’s turn to his support site for more details on his condition:

Steve Sellers has been an integral part of the Portland Scooter Community for over a decade. He has touched our hearts and much as he’s touched our scooters. Recently, after what seemed to be a very bad and endless cold, he was finally diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy. Since the heart was in this condition for quite a while, he has blood clots which are detaching and have caused him one major and one minor stroke. The long-term effects of all these factors are yet to be determined, but we know the long-term costs will be extensive. Please consider donating to his fund via the widget to the below or at Scooter-Relief.org.

I know! It’s heartbreaking… and before you bust out with the “two strokes?” jokes, I would recommend reading the FAQ file first. No, for real, the answer is actually kinda funny and might save you from investing in a Shiner Savings Bond to be paid in full upon Steve’s recovery.

So, people… if you got it to spare, please help ol’ Steve out. He’s at $2800 right now and without insurance he’s gonna need ALL the help we can muster.

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One Response to “If anyone needs you to show ‘em some love right now it’s Steve Sellers”

  1. Tim Says:

    Thanks for the heads up!


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