"Noodle Guy" and "Crazy Mask Lady" get some competition!

Fri, Jul 11, 2008

Funny, Motorcycle

Crazy Biker On Cellphone Lying Down – Watch more free videos
Now we just need someone going down the highway… taking a nap on his side… on his Honda Cub. Any takers? I kid, of course.
Thanks 2 Tim for the nutty scoop.

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7 Responses to “"Noodle Guy" and "Crazy Mask Lady" get some competition!”

  1. scgt Says:

    Wow, what a genius idiot!



  2. Tinker Says:

    “He’s doing it all wrong!”

    So how are you supposed to do it? Maybe the person who taped this knows a better way?


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Although the rider was being a reckless idiot, the people in the car were also being reckless by following him to closely.


  4. Kuroneko Says:

    > the people in the car were also being reckless by following him to closely.

    Close? Nope! That is normal for India. Damn this dude is chill though. Sweet.


  5. Cam Says:

    some anonymous people have zero sense of humour. Lighten up..


  6. Steve Says:

    Chill for REAL! Reminds me of a joke we used to play on the roller coasters at Universal Studios.

    Once we brought shaving gear and some KFC on the coaster and prepared for the “photo op”.

    When we landed there was a picture of my homeboy holding a chicken leg in one hand and the KFC box in the order. I had removed my shirt and threw a towel over my shoulders… applied shaving cream and started shaving my face. Made for a rather unusual photo.


  7. Steve Says:

    Oh… and Lorenzo. Did you mean “idiot savant”? ;)

    You know what I wonder… has he ever been in a wreck while pulling that kind of maneuver?

    If not, maybe he can make a career out of it.


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