Road hazard – Going up… Second floor, housewares, linens and appliances

Fri, Aug 8, 2008


Ok, this is a tad bit off topic but it’s astonishing to watch. I hope everyone had a chance to evacuate. Probably so since the road was already blocked off.

PS> The title is meant to confuse… it’s just an optical illusion.

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5 Responses to “Road hazard – Going up… Second floor, housewares, linens and appliances”

  1. Tim Says:

    Astonishing is right. I had seen this before on television but I had forgotten how remarkable it was.


  2. Scooter Kitten Says:

    How is it an optical illusion?


  3. Jim Says:

    I love how that one tree stays standing at the end.


  4. ScooterScoop Says:

    Hey Scooter Kitten. When I first saw this video it looked like the viewer was parked on an elevator going up. I figured the title, along with a a few seconds of suspension-of-disbelief might make ya think the same thing… as opposed to what’s actually happening (a land slide going down).

    Sorry if it didn’t work. :)


  5. Ted Says:

    Holeemolee. Yeah, it deviates from scooters, but it was worth it.



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