Scooter shuns rider for being "weak". Goes it alone!

Mon, Dec 22, 2008


Disappointed with its rider’s interest in competing in the local scooter rally gymkhana, this scooter has decided to train to go it alone.

Thanks to our friend Ilya Vinarsky for the scoop on this auto piloted scooter. The video is sorta long and geeky, but still interesting… to me.

4 Responses to “Scooter shuns rider for being "weak". Goes it alone!”

  1. ARTSIMAGE Says:

    I want one for Christmas!


  2. scgt Says:

    One day, we will design ourselves right out of this world!

    Merry Christmas to Steve and family, and friends!



  3. Anonymous Says:

    Riding a scooter without riding a scooter! Where’s the fun in that?


  4. Blue Mark Says:

    Man, remote controlling a two wheeled vehicle seems needlessly complicated. No wonder they needed slide bars/rollers on the sides. You can’t do proper steering without body weight to shift as you counter steer.

    Maybe with actuators to shift a weight affecting the center of gravity, and/or a good size gyro to help maintain upright balance and automatically apply ‘body english’ …

    Damn it, now I have to go buy some tools!


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